Executive Summary

Our expertise in the field of software development and re-configuration is considerable. The technology we command is impressive and supports extreme productivity. On the surface it may seem that this is 'technology in search of a market'. The truth is, we are software engineers who want to work on important systems that we design to flex and grow over time.

Stiearc delivers software solutions to companies, solving their immediate and specific business challenges, providing the platform upon which to build into the future. We hope to grow with our customers as they leverage the ease with which our software solutions can be re-configured.

Our business model includes projects in joint ventures with consultancy firms or service organizations and so our market presence is not always obvious. However, whenever you see the Stiearc logo, above, or our technology logo:

gensol trade mark

You should expect excellence.

I am interested in nurturing business development. I would like to know about a software solution your company needs. If you are a business analyst with a concept for a new software product, I would like to listen to your ideas. If your company is a software integration firm whose clients need solutions, our catalogue of software applications could be a starting point for you.

Alan Springell
Business Development Manager
Stiearc Systems Pty Ltd

© Copyright 2009. Stiearc Systems Pty Ltd (ABN 22 005 997 179).